If you own your own business, you’re probably inundated with advertising and marketing opportunities and salespeople. So how do you know which activities to pursue and which to pass on?
How To Articles
How to grow a money tree
They say money doesn’t grow on trees, but I think you can grow it on something even better! Your home computer. To make your money tree grow, you will need to give it a home and a place to grow. You can do this by creating your own website. Here are some basics steps to creating your own website:
How to Start Your Small Business During a Pandemic
Heading toward the winter season, it’s becoming clear that we aren’t going to escape the pandemic anytime soon. Though in many respects we’ve learned how to go about our lives in safer and more protective ways, the virus remains a significant problem for individuals...
5 Things to Consider Before You Hire a Virtual Assistant
I hear the term “Virtual Assistant” more and more in business. Did you know that you could possibly hire someone from another continent that works while you sleep and maybe for $8 – $12 Dollars. Most of the VA’s I work with have degrees and one an MBA in Business Admin. I pay her a pautry $15.00 per hour now thats waht I call a bargain!
Build Your Business With Four Easy Steps
Building a business is no easy task. This easy to read step by step guide provides an outline to starting a business in just four easy steps.
Are You Derailing Your Business with Details?
Focusing on details over goals is the cause of countless business failures. How do you make sure that you’re keeping your focus where it belongs? This article uses a lesson from childhood to remind us of where – and how – to focus to help our businesses succeed.